I help everyday entrepreneurs step into extraordinary opportunity

Success inspired by simpler times.
I want to help you work differently, more purposefully, and more efficiently.
Whether that’s in the context of building a company, restoring your family or even one-on-one to support you in being the best version of yourself.
What’s the point of gaining the world if you sacrifice your soul on the altar of that success?
For over 20 years, I’ve been walking with owners and operators; entertainers and executives, all seeking to answer the same fundamental question: How do I become the man I’m called to be without sacrificing my soul on the altar of my success?
You deserve to experience the fulfillment of your calling and feel like the superhero your family sees you as.

Who Is

Cody Jefferson
Trophy Husband to Sarah, SuperDad to Stetson and Tytus, and a Builder of Men and Mission – Cody transforms how founders think about success. After watching too many entrepreneurs sacrifice their souls on the altar of achievement, he’s dedicated the last 20 years to helping founders find deeper fulfillment, experience more peace and become the leaders they’re called to be while growing successful professional endeavors.
Coaching For The
Man Who’s Gone
At Dawn
What we offer here isn’t for the “laptop lifestyle” internet gurus.
This is for the the man who’s a builder; a builder of himself, of his family and of those who fall under his care and calling.
I work with the men who understand that anything worth it’s salt is created with an idea, determination and built with your bare hands.
This is for the founders who, like most of us, got into our industry because of a passion, a skillset and an opportunity; only to white-knuckle it to where you are and wondering how to leverage that to get to that next level…
Because while we are grateful, there is a yearning inside of us for more.
And while money can’t solve all problems, it solves most… and being broke solves none.
I’ve dedicated my life to living into legacy, and I imagine you’re doing the same.
I help founders and owners take their infrastructure, team, leadership, marketing, process and mindset to scalable levels, all without sacrificing what matters most.
Why? Because I want you to be proud of the standard you’re setting; not just in business, but as a husband and a father. And I want you to feel and experience the certainty of knowing that YOU are the superhero of your home.
Around here, we operate with integrity. What does it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit his soul in the process.
I help good men become great, and those great men to create great movements.
Real men building real business focused on real impact.

Work With Cody



There's so much we want to do...
Lives to change... Goals to accomplish.. Influence to gain... Income to generate...

You deserve more. Your family deserves more. Your calling deserves more.
Real Results, Real Impact

Becoming the man I'm called to be
“Cody gave me the tools and accountability to make the decisions today and become the man I’m called to be today, because today’s decisions influence tomorrow’s results. Working with Cody and in his group is where you truly step into personal discipline with the support of men like you.”
-Josh Shrock
–Previous Client

I’m proud of who I am now
“I’m proud of who I am now and how I show up for myself, my wife, my kids and my teams.I’ve finally found a band of brothers who share my values and high expectations, which has led to much more confidence in who I am and how I lead.”
-Andy Raak
–Founder of FunctionM

The challenge of this entire conference came from cody
“and I hope it resonated as deeply with you as it did for me. What would happen if you created a meaningful conversation that went beyond your entrepreneurial endeavors and into the heart of the person in front of you?”
-Dan Clark

Cody is the real deal
“What I’m most proud of is not the real estate deals I’ve done or the inspiration I’ve gotten from all the guys in the community; its the 6-pack that came back that I hadn’t seen since high school.”
-Jimmy Domer

I can’t recommend Cody enough
“Cody brings clarity, and that clarity turns into action. Also, there’s a bonding that happens that, we as men, sometimes never experience. I can’t recommend working with Cody enough.”
-Justin Baker
–Founder of Jay Primrose Properties
The demand project is uniquely designed to help every victim of human trafficking, online enticement, child, abuse, imagery, and the commercial, sexual exploitation of children in the United States, no matter, gender, age, or national origin. We are able to offer our journey program model, which is a victim centered, community driven, trauma informed approach that focuses on restoring victims to survivors, and equipping survivors to become a thriving members of our communities.